Hope Pay Smart Payment

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How to make monthly online bill payments easier in HopePay

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  • Free plan available
  • Full data privacy compliance
  • 100% transparent costs
  • Commitment-free
  • Real-time spending overview
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HopePay with smart paid Facility

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Free plan available
  • Full data privacy compliance
  • 100% transparent costs
  • Commitment-free
Admin panal Online Banking

Easy Payment to borrow free get a better filling at home

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Smart Pay Benefits of online HopePay

HopePay offered by your policy.


It is estimated that contactless payments can be completed within 15 seconds and work twice as fast as normal cards. With less processing and handling of cash occurring, transactions are completed at a faster rate, turnover is likely to improve and queues are less likely to build up. As pin numbers are no longer needed and the transaction only needs a tap on a reader, the number of staff behind tills can be cut and therefore can be distributed out onto the shop floor to improve other areas of customer service and shop experience.

Secure -

If you lose your card or it is stolen you are able to freeze the account or contact your bank who will disregard and amend fraudulent payments. As the user only needs to tap the card onto the reader, the risk of fraudulent activity or theft seems a lot higher. However, built-in protection ensures that the same transaction doesn't occur twice by accident and that if intercepted, the details and numbers linked to the card cannot be decrypted as unique numbers are used for transactions that don't correlate to card numbers. Also, with a limit set to a small amount ($30 in the UK or €30 in France for example), unless changed, the customer is protected from larger, unauthorised purchases from being made.


Contactless payments aren't restricted to just cards. The NFC technology within contactless readers can interact with phones and connected accessories such as watches or rings. Apple Pay's launch in 2014 allowed users to pay if they had forgotten their card or if it was out of reach, by using their phone to carry out the transaction. This was developed further when the Apple Watch was launched. You can also make the payment from within your wallet without having to remove your card which makes the payment process even easier for the customer.

Overall customer experience

As a result of faster, more secure, and effortless transactions, shops can see an increase in throughput and a reduction in abandoned sales as the average transaction value (ATV) increases when a customer isn't constrained by the amount of cash they are carrying and the payment process is efficient. For the majority of contactless transactions, there is no verification or requirement to print out a receipt on authorization unless asked for by the customer or if the transaction is of a higher value. This reduces the time a customer spends at the till.

100% Secure Payments

Moving your wallet details to a much more secured place.

Trust pay

100% Payment Protection. Easy Return Policy.

Refer & Earn

Invite a friend to sign up and earn income.

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